Fat experiences

Fatphobic and made a joke of yet still felt strong and confident

I had to take my shirt off in order for a doctor to get my blood pressure because the shirt was messing with the results, I got it off and she laughed at me and looked at my chest and she looked down at hers and she said i was “giving her a run for her money” meaning my moobs were bigger than her pretty large breasts on her skinny body. She asked some questions about my diet and how much exercise I get and if I had experienced any sudden changes in my body and when I said I had gained 100 pounds since august she audibility gasped and went on spiel about diet and exercise wanting to be fit etc then she asked if I was interested in seeing a dietician and I point blank said no so she went on this Lil thing about how I’m still young and that I am so handsome but my weight was jeprodizing it. I never felt so validated in my fatness and liberated for defending myself and offended at the same time. She tried to get me in for a sleep test but I was like nah. I really wanna shop around for fat accepting doctors if that’s a thing
1 year

Fatphobic and made a joke of yet still felt strong and confident

Morbidly A Beast:
I had to take my shirt off in order for a doctor to get my blood pressure because the shirt was messing with the results, I got it off and she laughed at me and looked at my chest and she looked down at hers and she said i was “giving her a run for her money” meaning my moobs were bigger than her pretty large breasts on her skinny body. She asked some questions about my diet and how much exercise I get and if I had experienced any sudden changes in my body and when I said I had gained 100 pounds since august she audibility gasped and went on spiel about diet and exercise wanting to be fit etc then she asked if I was interested in seeing a dietician and I point blank said no so she went on this Lil thing about how I’m still young and that I am so handsome but my weight was jeprodizing it. I never felt so validated in my fatness and liberated for defending myself and offended at the same time. She tried to get me in for a sleep test but I was like nah. I really wanna shop around for fat accepting doctors if that’s a thing

Sorry to hear that you encountered such poor bedside manner. That's not acceptable behavior from a doctor at all.

That said, I'm glad to hear you have such high esteem that her words didn't get to you.
1 year

Fatphobic and made a joke of yet still felt strong and confident

Morbidly A Beast:
I had to take my shirt off in order for a doctor to get my blood pressure because the shirt was messing with the results, I got it off and she laughed at me and looked at my chest and she looked down at hers and she said i was “giving her a run for her money” meaning my moobs were bigger than her pretty large breasts on her skinny body. She asked some questions about my diet and how much exercise I get and if I had experienced any sudden changes in my body and when I said I had gained 100 pounds since august she audibility gasped and went on spiel about diet and exercise wanting to be fit etc then she asked if I was interested in seeing a dietician and I point blank said no so she went on this Lil thing about how I’m still young and that I am so handsome but my weight was jeprodizing it. I never felt so validated in my fatness and liberated for defending myself and offended at the same time. She tried to get me in for a sleep test but I was like nah. I really wanna shop around for fat accepting doctors if that’s a thing

Oh im curious now, how close were you to legit describe to her what is feederism? Like, not necessarily say the word, maybe not even talk about it as a kink, but even just say something along the lines of "I know im fat and that's part of the plan"
Were you close to that? Or it didn't even cross your mind? 🤔
1 year

Fatphobic and made a joke of yet still felt strong and confident

Morbidly A Beast:
I had to take my shirt off in order for a doctor to get my blood pressure because the shirt was messing with the results, I got it off and she laughed at me and looked at my chest and she looked down at hers and she said i was “giving her a run for her money” meaning my moobs were bigger than her pretty large breasts on her skinny body. She asked some questions about my diet and how much exercise I get and if I had experienced any sudden changes in my body and when I said I had gained 100 pounds since august she audibility gasped and went on spiel about diet and exercise wanting to be fit etc then she asked if I was interested in seeing a dietician and I point blank said no so she went on this Lil thing about how I’m still young and that I am so handsome but my weight was jeprodizing it. I never felt so validated in my fatness and liberated for defending myself and offended at the same time. She tried to get me in for a sleep test but I was like nah. I really wanna shop around for fat accepting doctors if that’s a thing

Oh im curious now, how close were you to legit describe to her what is feederism? Like, not necessarily say the word, maybe not even talk about it as a kink, but even just say something along the lines of "I know im fat and that's part of the plan"
Were you close to that? Or it didn't even cross your mind? 🤔

I think by saying im not interested in seeing a dietician pretty much said it all, that im happy with myself my body and my choices. But no it didn’t really cross my mind there’s a bit of a disconnect, maybe a layer of cognitive dissidence when it comes to my weight my size and talking about it, at least with “normies” Especially with a health care provider.
1 year

Fatphobic and made a joke of yet still felt strong and confident

Sorry to hear that you encountered such poor bedside manner. That's not acceptable behavior from a doctor at all.

That said, I'm glad to hear you have such high esteem that her words didn't get to you.

I’m starting to understand some of the absolute horror stories I’ve heard from other fat bodied people in regards to their health care. Luckily this was like a chiropractor and not like an actual health care provider who’d I’d regularly see or anything like that. Otherwise I’d be calling up my insurance right the F now. But yeah, if someone was like just fat and got legit concerned by the comments made by that doctor I couldn’t even imagine.
1 year